WP's Slow Motion SloMo

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High-speed Camera Clips

High-speed AVIs

Crashtest sled
We do it all for science - riding the crashtest sled

Each of these sequences shown here is from the early to the middle 1990s. They were made with SpeedCam +500 (also Camsys +500) and SpeedCam PRO (512 x 512 pixel) systems of the companies Mikromak, Weinberger and the Fraunhofer Institute (FhG) IIS. Those marked with WP were made on the fly in the cellar at home during a rainy weekend in March 1995 with a Camsys +500 system. (Thus they are almost historic. ;-)

Due to the huge size of the original files, unfortunately it was not to avoid to cut the sequences, to resize their resolution and to compress them. Therefore the sequences shown here are of significant lower quality and format compared with the original ones.
Because a lot of customer sequences are classified some funny, self-made ones have found their place here. Of course, in the meantime many more SloMo clips, even with higher resolution and frame rates, are available in the Internet. (But also online since the last Millennium? ;-)
The replay speeds are intentionally kept low, even by risking the impression of movement to suffer, in order to show the capabilities.


Sample sequences of some digital high-speed camera systems

Each video will be played in your browser directly. You will find details in the editorial at the end of the table.


Sequences Description Recording Properties
1) Ignition of a wet match REPLAY: #105, 5/sec, 256x256 (212 KB)

REC: #237, 1000/sec, 256x128, 7584 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
2) Ignition of a cigarette lighter REPLAY: #20, 5½/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (12 KB)

REC: #51, 530/sec, 256x256, 3264 KB; exposure 1/530 sec (no shutter); WP
3) Ignition of a cigarette lighter with more fire works, because shot with double speed REPLAY: #50, 2/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (38 KB)

REC: #101, 1000/sec, 256x128, 6432 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
4) Bouncing drop of water REPLAY: #75, 5/sec, 256x256 (179 KB)

REC: #126, 500/sec, 256x256, 8064 KB; exposure 1/5000 sec (shutter); WP
5) Bouncing drop of water - the water strikes back REPLAY: #52, 5½/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (35 KB)

REC: #156, 531/sec, 256x256, 9985 KB; exposure 1/531 sec (no shutter); WP
6) Bursting soap bubble REPLAY: #20, 5/sec, 256x256 (24 KB)

REC: #256, 500/sec, 256x256, 16384 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
7) Bursting soap bubble II REPLAY: #10, 1/sec, 256x256 (41 KB)

REC: #61, 1000/sec, 256x128, 1952 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
8) Joke pistol REPLAY: #30, 5/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (17 KB)

REC: #51, 1000/sec, 256x128, 1632 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
9) Shooting a bolt with a blowpipe RELAY: #25, 2/sec, 256x256 (68 KB)

REC: #31, 1000/sec, 256x128, 992 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
10) Shooting with a blowpipe at a grape REPLAY: #20, 2/sec, 256x256 (45 KB)

REC: #201, 1000/sec, 256x128, 6432 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
11) Collision of two softballs REPLAY: #40, 5/sec, 256x256 (53 KB)

REC: #208, 1000/sec, 256x128, 6656 KB; exposure 1/5000 sec (shutter); WP
12) Barefoot(!) soccer player doing a free kick REPLAY: #195, 5/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (107 KB)

REC: #256, 265/sec, 256x256, 16384 KB; exposure 1/265 sec (no shutter); IIS
13) Motion of a foot during running REPLAY: #60, 2½/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (48 KB)

REC: #256, 265/sec, 256x256, 16384 KB; exposure 1/265 sec (no shutter); IIS
> 14) Human foot during a jump (view from behind; the glittering spots are so-called fiducial marks for the object tracking) REPLAY: #70, 2/sec, 128x12 (89 KB)

REC: #156, 1033/sec, 128x128, 2496 KB; exposure 1/1033 sec (no shutter); IIS
15) Tom (-cat ;-) during touch down REPLAY: #70, 5/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (57 KB)

REC: #256, 500/sec, 256x256, 16384 KB; exposure 1/5000 sec (shutter); WP
16) Wasp in flight (snapshot) REPLAY: #30, 5/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (19 KB)

REC: #171, 500/sec, 256x256, 10994 KB; exposure 1/5000 sec (shutter); WP
17) Jumping rubber spider (pneumatic) REPLAY: #145, 2/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (219 KB)

REC: #256, 500/sec, 256x256, 16384 KB; exposure 1/5000 sec (shutter); WP
18) Fast like a rat trap REPLAY: #40, 1/sec, 256x256 (313 KB)

REC: #348, 1000/sec, 512x512, 89088 KB; exposure 1/1000 sec (no shutter); Weinberger
19) Karate with tiles REPLAY: #30, 2/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (68 KB)

REC: #890, 500/sec, 256x256, 131072 KB; exposure 1/500 sec (no shutter); IIS
20) Kitchen mixer crushing bread, start phase REPLAY: #75, 5/sec, 128x128 (zoom 2x) (52 KB)

REC: #302, 1000/sec, 256x128, 9664 KB; exposure 1/10000 sec (shutter); WP
21) Glass with juice tipping over (color algorithm development phase) REPLAY: #120, 5/sec, 256x256 (543 KB)

REC: #121, 1000/sec, 512x512, 92928 KB; exposure 1/3333 sec (shutter); IIS
22) Swinging (and bursting) glass REPLAY: #70, 15/sec, 256x256 (248 KB)

REC: #487, 1000/sec, 512x512, no info; IIS
23) Bursting water-filled balloon REPLAY: #25, 15/sec, 512x512 (121 KB)

REC: #51, 1000/sec, 512x512, no info; IIS
24) Jumping frog REPLAY: #85, 15/sec, 256x256 (82 KB)

REC: #120, 1000/sec, 512x512, no info; IIS
25) Dog Paul splashing milk REPLAY: #130, 15/sec, 256x256 (145 KB)

REC: #628, 1000/sec, 512x512, no info; IIS

Various digital high-speed camera samples of SpeedCam systems out of the 1990's


Expression exposure means the time of exposure of a single frame. Usually it is approx. 1/frame rate. It can be reduced in increments to 1/10 000 sec with an additional LC shutter (liquid crystal).

  • #123 = number of frames

  • 123/sec = 123 frames per second record speed or replay speed, resp.

  • 123x123 = resolution in columns x lines

  • zoom 2x = replay of the compressed sequence magnified by factor 2
  • 123 KB = file size in kbyte


By kind courtesy of:

  • Fraunhofer Institute (FhG) for Integrated Circuits IIS

  • Mikromak

  • Weinberger

Even more high-speed cameras sequences you will find there: some high-resolution sequences. Finally it should not be unmentioned what has become possible with SpeedCam Visario since 2001 - resolution 1536 1024 pixel with 10 bit color depth and 1 000 frames per second.

Side Crash Test shot with Weinbeger SpeedCam Visario g1 (1536 x 1024, compressed to 7 MB)


Extend the [TOUR] to take a look at some pre-selected links to high speed imaging.